Abu Dhabi Judicial Department: New Law for Property Conciliators

To serve a swift justice in Abu Dhabi, the Abu Dhabi judicial department made a historic decision. They have sworn on the new cohort of property conciliators. Let’s discuss it in details. But if you need details then you can contact our lawyers in UAE.    

New Cohort Conciliator 

There was an appointment of 4 real estate experts for new cohort conciliators. All of the 4 experts were directly appointed by the Abu Dhabi Real Estate Dispute Settlement Center TASWYA. The decision is taken to improve the dispute resolution process in Abu Dhabi. Abu Dhabi lawyers, are the professional guys if people are seeking for help. So even if the readers need some legal support then they can contact Abu Dhabi lawyers and legal consultants. 


Abu Dhabi Real Estate Dispute Settlement Center TASWYA are done for the welfare of the real estate industry in Abu Dhabi. With a new cohort of conciliators, investors confidence will boost

Legal Oath by conciliators 

The conciliators have taken the legal oath. The oath was taken before Counselor Yousef Saeed Alabri. He holds a special position in office and works as the eminent secretary of the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department. Those who have taken oath will now begin working as the conciliators in the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department. They have commenced their duties immediately after the oath is taken. 

Motive is to resolve the dispute

The main motive behind the efforts is to resolve real estate disputes and issues. For the amicable settlements of the legal battles in real estate, it is an exemplary precedent established. Moreover, more people will be exploring alternate ways to resolve their disputes and legal matters. 

Alternative Resolution Methods

More stress is laid on alternative resolution methods rather than legal battles in the Abu Dhabi courts. The recent panels of 5 real estate conciliators were approved after taking oath at the Real Estate Dispute Settlement Centre in Abu Dhabi TASWYA.

They took the oath by following His Highness Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al-Nahyan instructions. It was further approved in consideration of the Chairman of the Presidential Court. Lastly, the foremost the Chairman of the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department also welcomed this landmark initiative.

A Land mark initiative  

TASWYA took this landmark initiative to align the process of reconciliation and foster a culture of tolerance within the Abu Dhabi society. Nevertheless, it is equally supported by a coherent and well-integrated system of judiciary. 

There are innovative rules, and latest laws in this procedure. The just regulations also support upholding the rule of law in the emirate. Besides, it also protects the rights of all the stakeholders involved. 

Collaboration Agreement 

It was created as a part of a collaboration agreement. It is run in cooperation between the Department of Municipalities and Transport along with the special support from the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department to serve the main purpose. 

Furthermore, it was exclusively and explicitly dedicated to resolving all kinds of real estate issues and matters. The stress is laid upon the amicable settlement of all real estate disputes in Abu Dhabi via negotiations and reconciliation.

This pragmatic approach was adopted to enhance the swift delivery of justice for everyone in Abu Dhabi. Besides, the efforts made by the by Dhabi judiciary are made to facilitate the procedure of amicable settlement between the disputed parties.

Boosting Alternative Resolution 

Additionally, the reliance on litigation is discouraged by boosting alternative resolution methods including negotiations, mediation, and reconciliation. This will provide a boost to the real estate sector and make it even more attractive shortly. 

Real estate is considered a critical industry of the Emirates of Abu Dhabi which has provided a push start to encourage the investors to invest there. 

Ending Note

Furthermore, a prime emphasis is placed on the commitment to train the real estate conciliators. The judicial department of Abu Dhabi is keen to train, approve, and certify the conciliators in real estate to the highest standards. Abu Dhabi Judicial Academy provides a foundational training program for the conciliators. It is considered to be one of the main avenues to accredit the conciliators in Abu Dhabi. This intensive program is launched with extensive courses for the conciliators. 

The courses are properly designed with the knowledge, work ethics, skills, expertise, and attitudes needed for mediation, negotiation, and reconciliation. This is done to ensure impartial settlements that comply with the law are accepted among the disputing parties. Their efforts will assist the disputed parties to reach a mutual agreement and solution rather than a legal battle.

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