White Betta Fish: Treatment for a Pigment Cell Tumor

Claims regarding fighting white betta fish with areas of abnormal skin development or dark skin are common in our office. The owner had apparently tried two or three over-the-counter remedies without success. Why Chromatofrays, or pigment cell tumors, are the most common cause of white spots in fighting fish, usually caused by tumors or iridophora of the colorful pigment cells on the fish’s skin that cause the white color. Fortunately, the quality of life and lifespan of fish is usually not affected by this disease.

What is a chromatophoroma?

chromatophoroma This is a tumor or tumor that originates from pigment cells. Most often found in fish. amphibians and reptiles and available in every color Usually confined to the epidermis. However, there are more aggressive varieties that can penetrate or spread throughout the fish. This tumor is quite common in koi fish. They are mostly found around the eyes. These flocks are usually not a problem. However, it must be removed surgically if it begins to affect the fish’s behavior or eating habits.

How is this white patch different from Ich?

These pigment cell tumors are sometimes misdiagnosed by their owners as Ich or Ick, another name for white spot disease. White spot disease initially manifests as a sprinkling of salt or sugar. Chromatophoromas can also cause your fish to appear to have respiratory problems, lethargy, and changes in appetite. It only affects one area of ​​the body. And for the rest of the time the white betta Fish will work normally. Ichthyophthirius multifiliis is a parasite with a complex life cycle that causes white spot disease. Many over-the-counter medications do not actually cure parasites. They just slow it down. It is important to adjust the dosage appropriately and pay attention to water temperature when treating fish for any disease. The only way to care for him daily for 3-5 days in a row is if your betta’s tank temperature is above 80F/27C, which is the ideal temperature. When compared with other types of pet fish, the risk of fighting fish contracting Ich is very low because they are often separated from each other.

How do you treat a white betta fish?

First of all, throw away the Ich recipe. Over-the-counter medications cannot cure this disease or any cancer. Most likely, these medications will stress your fish and make them sick in some way. The use of liquid nitrogen or cryotherapy is the most effective treatment for chromatophoroma, but is difficult to treat due to the small size of fighting fish. Treatment of colds in large fish should be combined with antibiotics and pain relievers. This is a challenge for very small fish. Generally, this tumor can be left in place and removed gradually according to the fish’s environment. The reason is, the tumor does not affect the quality of life of the fish. These can be effectively removed surgically if they are at the tip of the fin, as seen in the photo above. Your veterinarian can carefully remove most of the white spots on the sides of your betta fish. If it’s big enough tilt the fish to one side. Your fish probably won’t notice it most of the time!

Prognosis for White Betta Fish

Fortunately, fighting white betta fish with white spots have an excellent prognosis. This type of tumor is usually limited to the skin and can heal on its own. They may hinder movement. This depends on its location in the fish’s body. Therefore, you can consult with your aquatic veterinarian about other possibilities that overall, the quality of life and lifespan of your fighting fish will not be affected by pigment cell tumors.